Yes! Praying for prophecy! While most people do not realize it... when Scripture says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem..." we are being called to a prophetic prayer. "Jerusalem" lies at center of prophecy. It is the city of the Great King (Ps 48:2) and must remain trodden down until the times of the Gentiles (Eze 30:3; Dan 2; Lk 21:24) are fulfilled and Messiah's Kingdom is set up (Dan 2:44-45; Dan 7:13-14). All past major prophetic fulfillment's have centered on Jerusalem... this is and shall remain the "pattern" (Zech 1:17, 12:3). We suspect that the future "covenant with death" (Isa 28:15, 18) will involve Jerusalem. All prophecy pivots around her because this is the one city among men which is the absolute property of God! (Ps 46:4) To truly grasp how literal this is, watch our presentation, "Daniel 9 and the Ten Jubilees." When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem we are praying for Messiah's return... and for "The Day of the Lord" to begin, because Jerusalem will never have peace until He has been anointed King of Israel as the "Holy Most Holy" and is sitting on His thrown! (Dan 9:24) When we add "Jerusalem" to our prayer's we are not only being obedient and seeking to see the will of God fulfilled... we have a prophetic promise of "prosperity" or "peace." So, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It is the will of God! But do know this, in doing so... you will be praying the very last recorded prayer in Scripture, and what you are saying to God is... "Even so, come Lord Yahusha (Jesus)!" (Rev 22:20)
P.S. We also do not want you to miss or read over that final prayer. It is in the words "Even so..." These are very heavy words which see and acknowledge everything in Revelation and in passages such as Isaiah 24! In the words "Even so..." are both great joy and intense sorrow. Joy at the thought of His return and a righteous rule on the Earth... however, His Saints will have been slaughtered beyond counting and the Earth will be devastated and in ruins... His return to Earth is to prevent the extinction of all life on the Earth which man has brought about (Mat 24:22). We cannot help but wonder if this was not a part of what Yahusha (Jesus) was looking at in the garden when He asked His Father if there was some other way (Mat 26:39). While Yahusha had not yet seen the Revelation (Rev 1:1), "The Word of God" is clear as to what "The Day of the Lord" would bring! As we pray, we need to have this same awareness and compassion of heart towards those who do not yet know God. This is why the message of the Kingdom of God is all the more urgent today... we stand 2,000 years closer to that which will require His return. So, when we pray, if we also end our prayer with the words... "Even so..." we will speak volumes of love and compassion toward others that God alone will hear and understand. Even so, come Lord Yahusha!